Some AMSA forms will be unavailable from 8:00 – 8:30 pm on Monday 29 April AEST due to scheduled maintenance. We apologise for any inconvenience.


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AMSA update

Previously called Domestic Vessels e-News, AMSA update is an electronic newsletter for domestic vessel owners, operators and crew. The updates include current information about topics like regulations, safety, incidents, and events. 

Maritime Safety Awareness Bulletins

The Maritime Safety Awareness Bulletin aims to raise safety awareness in the maritime industry by looking at trends and recent developments in incidents.

Working Boats magazine

Working Boats is a quarterly magazine dedicated to telling industry and seafarers about the latest news and developments in the National System for domestic commercial vessel safety.

Survey Matters

Survey Matters brings you the latest news and information for accredited surveyors in Australia.

National Plan—On Scene newsletters

We publish On Scene biannually to circulate the National Plan annual report, keep the community informed of any changes under the legislation and share details about upcoming events and activities.

Vessel traffic services newsletters

This newsletter provides communication between authorities and stakeholders.


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